So Atticus, you are almost 14 months old and it's hard to believe that one year has come and gone what feels like a blink of an eye! It's pretty crazy to think that this time last year you were only months into life outside of my belly. More remarkable than that is you and I survived to first year of parenting and being parented lol! I know and feel all the sweet, gushy, emotion you are supposed to feel after the first year, but I can't deny what a challenging, demanding, and learning experience this first year of your life has been for me. After four years + of college and everything they cram into our brains nothing was as quick learning and as much information as it was to be your mother this first year
I have learned the true appreciation for a silent room, I have learned how to change a diaper in seconds, how to make you smile, how to cook every meal even if I don't feel like cooking, I have learned the love for sleep that I never get now and never appreciated when I had the time to sleep all I wanted (except for when I was pregnant), I have learned what unconditional true love is and how important it is to express it always even when frustrated. I have learned that my lowest day is still better that most peoples best days, I have also learned that it is okay to have low days and days to myself (which I am still trying to embrace). I have learned you are probably more independent that I am and I am okay with that. I have learned to be your teacher, role model and friend. I have learned the true art of patience and how that is so important for you because you are just learning. I got a chance to teach you how to sit up, crawl, walk, sign language, talk and DANCE!
I have been there for every tear, booger, spit up, poopy diaper, messy eating extravaganza, and hug, kiss, high five, and sound sleeps. I have survived my first year of motherhood and as dirty as my shirts get, as tired as my eyes feel, and as destroyed my house always looks as I swim in toys... it is the best life and I wouldn't trade it. For every negative the positives of just your smile or excitement to see me oveRULES it all. You are so happy most days and the most loving and friendly baby I know.
For mothers just starting out, or for the mothers who are on my timeline and feel the whoa and joy of succeeding in this first year just realize these children are priority numero uno and time may seem forever but in a blink the will be grown. For new mothers take each day at a time, for the 1 yr experience mothers take each minute as it comes and for all other mothers hold on the each second because we can't stop time, but we can try to hold on as long as we can!
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